For every off ramp, there is an on ramp, same in life. You can get lost, at least for a while, but it helps to get directions from someone who knows the way. At times, as in life, there are emergencies. Some are easily fixed, like a flat tire or a doctor for a broken bone. Most of the time it is just an inconvenience. On occasion, there is a total breakdown. That happens in life too, where we just need a complete transformation. Now that takes time and some tender loving care. Of course, there are rules to drive by and live by. It usually works best if you follow them and people around you are doing the same. On occasion, you run into someone (excuse the pun) who refuses to obey and messes up everything. Stop signs are for real! You must learn to yield to the other person, whether you like it or not.
A road trip is an opportunity to enjoy the scenery, it’s really so much more than the destination. If you’re always trying to get somewhere, you may miss the important stuff. There are so many opportunities to see new things and experience life from a different perspective. Life is a journey, and whether you turn right or left at any given intersection, there is something there to experience, learn and share. We all need to slow down and enjoy more. Road rage is just a sign of self-centeredness, that anger comes from only thinking of me, me, me! The metaphor is endless. I think life is a lot more like a road trip than a bowl of cherries!